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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Here's a quick explanation about how your luck % affects the rate you should expect a drop. Keep in mind Keep in mind, RS is based off RNG. Meaning, if you kill a boss a 1000 times and the drop you're after is 1/750, it's not broken, you're just unlucky. To say a droptable is broken, the sample size must be much much bigger. For example, a drop is 1/500 and you killed 50k of the npc. You should expect around 100 drops, if you have much less drops (e.g. 40-50), you could make a report about this to verify the droptable works as intended. Zeah's luck system if you have 50% luck (normal acc on beta) you have a 50% chance of receiving double drops (an extra roll on the droptable). meaning: in 100 kills, on average, you would get 150 rolls on the drop table, 50% extra. Example A elysian sigil is 1/750 from corp, meaning in 750 corp kills you should get 1 ely sigil on average. Let's say you have 50% luck. On average, it would take you 500 kills to get 750 rolls on the droptable. Meaning 50% luck equals to ~33% kills less to get the ely sigil. TLDR; AVG kills for drop formula Formula: Kills for drop = Base droprate / ( (Luck % / 100) + 1 ) Example 1: Base drop = 1/750, luck = 50%: Kills for drop = 750 / ( (50 / 100 ) + 1 ) Kills for drop = 750 / (0.5 + 1) Kills for drop = 750 / 1.5 = 500 kills Example 2: Base drop = 1/512, luck = 8%: Kills for drop = 512 / ((8/100)+1) = 512 / 1.08 = ~474 kills
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